How to distinguish postpartum lochia from menstrual relapse

Release time:2023-11-11 11:30

How to distinguish postpartum lochia from menstrual relapse

It is generally believed that menstruation is a sign of lactating women to restore fertility, so some mothers did not take any contraceptive measures before menstruation, and some mothers think that the first time to indicate that normal ovulation has begun. Are these ideas scientific? Let the experts tell Mommy!

For new mothers who are not breastfeeding, menstruation usually returns within 6-10 weeks after delivery; For new mothers who breastfeed, the time to resume menstruation is very variable, and may be recovered at any time within 2-18 months after delivery, with an average of 6-8 months, and even some new mothers have not menstruated during breastfeeding.

What is the reason for postponement of postpartum menstruation?

The most common reasons for not menstruating postpartum are prolonged breastfeeding, repeated pregnancy, slow recovery of maternal ovarian and endocrine function, and Shehan syndrome caused by postpartum bleeding.

Breastfeeding: The first postpartum period is the most affected by breastfeeding, and the number of breastfeeding is also closely related to the time of menstruation. In general, the more times of breastfeeding, the longer the breastfeeding time, the later the time of menstruation; Since the baby begins to add complementary foods, the frequency and feeding time of breastfeeding will change, the earlier the baby adds complementary foods, the frequency and breastfeeding time of breastfeeding will be reduced accordingly, and the menstrual time will be restored earlier. The time to regain moisture varies from person to person. In addition to the impact of breastfeeding, it is also related to the time when the baby begins to add complementary foods, the age of the mother, and the recovery of ovarian function and endocrine function.

Pregnancy again: For new mothers who have not menstruated for a long time after childbirth, be alert to the possibility of becoming pregnant again. New mothers who did not breastfeed generally resumed ovulating around 10 weeks postpartum, while new mothers who breastfed resumed ovulating an average of 46 months postpartum. In addition, most mothers with late postpartum menstrual cycles have ovulated before their first menstrual cycle, so even mothers without menstrual cycles may be pregnant. It can be seen that before the resumption of menstruation, it is also necessary to pay attention to contraception when resuming sexual life. If the first postpartum period is long, you should check yourself or go to the hospital to check to determine whether you are pregnant again.

Sheehan syndrome: refers to postpartum hemorrhage, hemorrhagic shock, diffuse intravascular coagulation, etc., resulting in ischemic atrophy and necrosis of the pituitary gland, and reduced hormones secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, so there is no menstruation. Sheehan syndrome may also lead to thyroid secretion dysfunction, such as weight loss, indigestion, chills, fatigue, atrophy of sexual organs, low basal metabolism, hair loss and so on. When these symptoms occur, you should go to the hospital in time.

Features of lochia: Within a week after delivery, there is more blood in lochia, so lochia will have red or dark red blood clots, slightly fishy taste; After that, the color of lochia will gradually become lighter and brown, which is called lochia serosa; Lochia serosa generally lasts for about ten days, and lochia gradually becomes white or yellowish white, somewhat similar to leucorrhea, known as lochia albus. Normal lochia has a bloody taste, but no odor, generally lasts 4-6 weeks, the total amount is 250-500ml. If 6 weeks postpartum vaginal lochia is still not clean, the most common reason is poor uterine rehabilitation, infection or placental tissue in the placenta, etc., should go to the hospital in time to find out the cause and deal with it in time. In addition, if the amount of vaginal bleeding is significantly more than the usual menstrual volume or the bleeding time is too long, you should go to the hospital in time to rule out the possibility of late postpartum bleeding.

Menstrual characteristics: After lochia gradually becomes white lochia, it becomes bleeding without reason. The amount is the same or a little more than the last period, but there is no other discomfort. In general, most mothers' first menstrual volume after childbirth will be slightly more than the amount of menstruation before pregnancy, and it will be clean within a week without special treatment.
